
Another figma dilemma

Posted on: October 26, 2008

The scene of another crime @_@

As a figma otaku, I’m starting to get hang of these figma incidents. To be honest, after reading similar incidents via Dannychoo and other blogs, these incidents doesn’t really surprise me anymore. After already having experienced an incident first hand on my Wonfes 2008 Konata, I’m disappointed I haven’t learnt my lesson when it came to applying excessive pressure on my figmas. I hope she will be the last victim but I get the feeling she won’t as my figma collection grows and the variety of their joints and design changes. T_T
I hope this post delivers an another example of  ‘what not to do” to your figmas,  for you figma owners out there.

Where's her stick? -_-

Well, Kanu from Ikki Tousen is indeed my next victim. After reading Blowfish post where her spear paint got scratched off when he tried to put it in Kanu hand, I was careful enough to not make the same mistake as he did. While the spear fits through perfectly into both hands, it wasn’t the case when I tried to fit her figma stick behind her back.

The consequence of applying excessive pressure. T_T

As seen from above, the figma stick end got snapped off from her extendable piece. The difficult part was not fitting the stick into the extendable piece but fitting the extendable piece behind her back hole. I’ve noticed her back hole was slightly smaller than usual but that was okay as the stick was not suppose to fit it directly behind her back like other figmas. That’s because if Max Factory didn’t provide the extendable piece, it would have been difficult to pose her considering her hair is almost down to her legs and it will interfere with her portability without it.
While it was noticeable where the stick does not directly fit behind her back by judging the small hole other than seeing the extendable piece provided, I had a hard time sticking in the extendable piece. Getting it in half-way through was as far as it could go but eveytime I pose her, it keeps falling off. Well, by this time, I started to apply excessive pressure and at this point, I tried a variety of ways to get it all in. Unfortunately in one of the ways, I left the figma stick stuck in and as a result, this was the outcome.

A clean snap. >_<

Impossible to get it out anymore. -_-

Unlike my figma Konata, I didn’t really try to take the stick end bit out. The entire end bit is inside the hole and smashing it into tiny pieces and picking it out will not work this time round. T_T

So what happens to my Kanu now? Well, I’m keeping her balance using her long hair. With the correct formation using her legs, I can keep her upright in a battle position. As this limits her portability without falling over, I will be keeping her that way until I can get my hands on another figma stick and the extendable piece. I can only hope Danny and his GSC team is still working on a plan to make figma replacement parts available to their international customers. ^^

I gotta thank the strenght of her ponytail. Ponytail FTW!!! ^^

24 Responses to "Another figma dilemma"

I heard about Kanu Figma having a lot of problems. My friends had that same problem as you.. their stand was gg. LOL. I sorta developed a phobia after i accidentally broke fate’s hand too =/

Yeah, the makers are probably keen on these incidents and should tackle it eventually (if even by supplying extras originally).

I wonder if heat expands different plastics differently and was the cause of failure (that’s a clear piece coupled to an opaque piece…)

As for the unpossible fix, I’d use tiny drill bit to make a hole in the stuck peg, then something else as a barb to remove it. I don’t know of a WD-40 equivalent for plastics.

damn, i did not know that the stick is so delicate. WD-40 is the best thing you can use to get that out.

Hehe I don’t use my stand at all unless am bored, so I guess that’s good.

It’s tricky though to pose your figures nice without a stand I admit…so I try to apply physics somehow…o_O

Thanks for the warning!

figma are meant to be play around so brojen parts here and tehre are understandable. maybe instead of making figma replacement parts, why not just make the figmas stronger? ^^;

testing avatar. please delete my previous comment. sorry for the double posts. found that my URL are directed to the old blog. ^_^

Sorry to hear that. This is my first time hearing that the stand having a problem.

I hope the upcoming Shana won’t have the same potential problem as well.

That really sucks, I’ve been worried about that little piece that goes on the end of the stand but I just try not to mess with it too much. Luckily her hair supports her like that though. The only case I’ve had a broken stand for was my first figma, Yuki, because my 4 year old got ahold of her when I wasn’t looking. I also hope Danny is still trying to get replacement parts available internationally because that would make me feel a lot better and make a lot of disappointed people happy. Hope this is the last of these incidents, sounds like they’re making the figures stronger now (Tsuruya with abs joints) now lets hope they work on the stands

Now that’s a large unwanted dose of suck =(

Just wondering, how are the Figma series in general? I’ve got a couple of those Revoltech Frauleins and have been thinking of expanding to Figmas as well

As an aside, nice to see another fellow Aussie blogging about anime ^^ *added you to teh blogroll!*

Damn that sucks ass @_@!

Most of the earlier figmas have issues with the stands, so I fixed them with my gundam nippers :P. Newer figmas (e.g. Hatsune Miku and Tsukasa onwards) do not have this issue…

Gonna be realy hard to fix that one Optic! I would try slicing a bit of the white, so I can get at the nub inside…

oh my gosh gaz, another victimized girl? YOU’RE NOT A GENTLEMAN! T_T that aside i also feel sorry for that…but glad she can still stand at least ^^;; I hope u learn ur lesson man >>__<<

Now I see what you meant the other day, such a shame u_u~
Acesan’s idea seems like it might work [though it’s pretty thick, hmm >.<;].

I had this issue with my Takamatchi Nanoha… :(
I think it’s just a balance of force applied over time which works best.

Ouch, that’s pretty risky…I’d better be careful 0_o

Same phobia when I broke Konata hand lol.
Back then, I always get pins and needles on my back when I take a hand out on any figma. @_@
Sometimes, I still do.

Thanks for the tip nanu. Unfortunately, I don’t have a drill or anything strong to maike that hole.
I don’t wanna cause more damage or more headache for myself so I’m leaving it as it is until I can get my hands on the replacement parts.

@Otaku Dan
They are tough but I was tougher lol
I’m leaving it as it is… for now.

The laws of psychics does not work but thanks for the tip. lol
It’s pointless posing them when it keeps falling down. -_-

Good idea gordon. A stronger figma can make it less fragile and delicate. A new agenda for Danny to look into I reckon. ^^

I’m gonna handle my shana like I’m handling a real baby. ^^

Damm that suxs. Not the best experience for ur first figma but the cause wasn’t ur fault which is understandable.
abs joints is a welcoming factor indeed. Now, I hope they look at the stands.

Weclome Snark. Great to see another aussie her as well. ^^
Well, I don’t own any or have never owned a Revoltech before so my answer will be kinda bias.
Very portable and despite the average quality overall, they are awesome to play with.
Hope that convinced ya.
Drop me an email if u want more info. ^^

A kick in the ass IMO. T_T

I’m not gonna fix it. I’m gonna leave it as it is. It’s no big loss. I can still pose my Kanu.
Besides, I don’t want any more headache into the problem.
But thanks for the tip.

My hands are not delicate that’s all. Hey, I’m still a gentlemen. I dust my ladies with a brush. =o

Thanks but I’m not touching on this problem anymore.
The main is, Kanu alright. ^^d

The problem I have with her is her front hair keeps falling off. T_T
Another manufacturing fault right there.

Will be careful in the future off course.
*mark that as a mental note* >_<

Thanks everyone.
I appreciate all of ur support. ^^

Wow…Figmas are sure fragile huh…
I have problems sometimes too…
I have to be careful when playing with figmas…

My Tohsaka Rin is on her way and I’m already pretty scared ;_;
I fear that I’ll handle her badly…
I hope that GSC/Max Factory clears this type of problem.

So sorry to hear your Figma accidents, Dec-san. >___<)

Hmmm…My Spear had quite some diificulties to fit into her hands…Im glad yours turned out okay.

I had the same problem with her hole but i managed to get it inside her with alot of patience.Sucks to hear that your pin broke of.

They are. Just don’t use excessive force. That’s the trigger for disaster. @_@

Just don’t apply a lot of force and u should fine.
Remember to hold close to the joint and don’t try any bending movements. Just don’t plz. -_-

Thanks Yurie~Hime. ^^
It’s alright. She’s still ok and portable too. ^^

The lack of patience has cost me my stand. T_T

Hi optic,
I posted some tips at your DC post which may help you to fix the stand.

I’m thinking that for those tight fits maybe you can slowly and lighty twist in the peg. Or make the hole larger with a penknife or a metal rod first.

Hey iron2000. Welcome to my zone. Hope u enjoy ur stay. ^^
Thanks for ur tips. I appreciate it.
In the meantime, I don’t have any intention in trying to removing the stand bit but I will refer back to ur suggestion when I do.

[…] After reading the section, I thought it gave off a pretty good impression of Danny and otakus in general. Although, Danny Choo is probably the only person who dares to bring his figma out everywhere LOL, with the high casualty rate. […]

yea i get the whole apply presure thing i did that well switching the hand and the little pin flew out T_T any sugestuons on that?

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October 2008
